How To Train A Puppy When You Work [Full Guide]

Getting a puppy is something that has become as important as getting a partner, if not more, which is why there are increasing numbers of dog owners each year. Still, for a variety of reasons, taking care of your dog can be frustrating while you are working.


how to train a puppy when you work


Often, finding a pet sitter full-time is just too pricey and too dangerous to keep a dog for too long. What takes us to the question, how can one do raising a puppy when working full time and getting all the advantages?


The recent study showed that it’s not as hard to manage these two parts of your life as you might thought, as long as you make sure you follow the guidelines. When you moved to a new profession lately, the change may be just as dramatic for your dog as it is for you.


It’s not a simple task to have a puppy and train, so juggling your personal and private life is never an easy one. But having answered some basic questions is a good start, which is why we agreed to raise a puppy while working full time and cover as much as possible in this summing up guide.Here’s what you need to learn how to handle these two, and what to do to grow your dog correctly.


What To Do To Grow Your Dog Correctly


Create a Space For Your Puppy


One of the most significant things a new puppy owner can do is give him a sense of security. It starts by giving him his room and is optimal at about 6 x 4 feet. Most people use a puppy-pen but you can use a small room like your bathroom as well. It is better, if possible, to give him a place that you can grow slowly, an environment that will be his for the long term.


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The room should be puppet-proofed too. Think like a mom for the first time and look for the same risks that a toddler may experience. Make sure you pick up small choking hazards. You’re always going to want to put plastic covers on sockets, and be sure that there are no wires that your dog can catch. When you have some food inside the room of your pet, keep it well secured or out of sight— just like in a fridge.


They may want to lock knobs when unsupervised because inquisitive dogs chase their noses in unusual places.A basic thumb rule is to ask yourself if your dog will be safe if he chews an item left in his room. If the answer is no, make sure it is not within reach.

Have a Crate for Your Dog’s Space


Another method that is used by many dog owners is crate training. So long as the crate is not used as a means of retribution, the pooch will begin to feel good about this room, even when it is seen as his home. For very long stretches, you should never keep your Puppy in a cage, but the crate training is an excellent option for parents working with pups.


You’ll also want to make sure that the room of your dog or his crate has some essential elements to keep him happy while you’re gone, like:


  •  A comfortable bed. 
  • Some toys. 
  • There’s something with your scent on it-old clothes that work great. 
  • Water and food. 
  • If you are doing this for home training, a dog pad.

Set a Regular Routine


Dogs of all ages need to be healthy like a predictable schedule , particularly puppies. The less that scares, the better. Try to maintain regular mealtimes, hikes, and bedtime, and seek to stop in at least once a day while you’re traveling. You should come home during your lunch break if your job is close by. This will provide a much-needed potty break and some cuddle time for your dog. You may want to find a dog walker or pet sitter if you can’t get away, Who can put out the pooch and play with it. Perhaps a friendly neighbor might be an excellent choice to send the dog out for a midday break.

Leaving a Puppy Home Alone


Leaving them alone is something that will come up sooner than later, and it’s a burning problem for many. When can we leave them behind, and how can we cope with it. Well, there’s a whole variety of things that determine whether you should leave them at home alone or not, but yes, the most important is age.


Since considerations such as the stage in the training process or the number of pup days in your position are something that is often versatile in some way, the emphasis is mainly on age. Yeah, vets are going to tell you everything from potty training to crating plays a significant role, but the fact is, age defines everything, and here’s how.


The main problem when the dog is 11-13 weeks old is the bladder. That is why it is so important to leave them for more than 4 hours at this time. And yet, that’s not necessary. Crating the dog is a safe way of ensuring they keep out of trouble while taking care of themselves as much as possible. This ensures that investing in a crate at this age is something you should not only think but prepare ahead of time as well.


The crate becomes the issue when the pup is 3-6 months old, provided the puppies are natural explorers. This also causes health problems for some animals, since being kept in a cage for too long makes them insane. That is when you should consider getting a part-time pet sitter as you are not available to take them out for a stroll.


You can also get someone from the area to do it, as a dog is already used to them, and in this generation, new people may not be something you want to scare them off.


In each scenario, make sure to consult the vet for the most appropriate solution, but focus primarily on age. All of the problems can be addressed, taking into account the correct variables.


Raising a Puppy while working: Getting Help


Hiring a pet sitter isn’t a bad option, at least where certain habits are concerned. This is not just about seeking an expert. A friend who has a puppy will only do the job well. Everybody enjoys a new pup, so being involved in the process of training without doing hard work is something they wouldn’t forget. As a result, you can create safer conditions for your pet, to avoid sending them to the canine facility.

Keeping Your Puppy Happy


Often having all the toys and treats isn’t the answer, and here’s why. Puppies want you to be part of their games whenever you are playing. This period takes for six months, but in the end, it pays off, provided that you will be left with the obedient dog who only vowed allegiance to you and you. Having your best friend means you’ve made them your best friend before, which is why early-age love is so important.


Use a PEBBY Camera Ball to track your Puppy


There are various tools to help you with it when it comes to leaving your dog all by yourself, and all you need to do is keep up with the trends. One of the best options nowadays is Pebby Camera Ball, built as a toy to escape fear over separation but also a highly functional device that saves you time and money.


One of the best things about tracking update toys is that your dog won’t have the problem with that as they couldn’t think a stress ball they’re playing with really keeps them safe.

Preventing Separation Anxiety


When you leave your dog at home, the primary health problem is the risk of separation anxiety. There are ways to avoid this, but we must accept that early-age crushing of the Puppy increases the risk. It can be avoided in some way by using natural remedies and gadgets, but the essential thing about this one is getting someone to try them out at least every two hours while you’re out.


Sometimes all the dog wants are somebody’s attention, and if the parent is gone, this will be achieved by a familiar face like a neighbor. It is also best to add natural remedies such as floral tinctures if you are trying to relax them as much as possible in the first few months or until the transition is more than a few hours away from you.


How to continue the potty training while working


Potty training is among the most difficult activities, but this, too, can be done with the aid of modern technology. But, it does allow you to prepare them for the full amount of time when you are at home. When accustomed to your teaching style, the next step is to incorporate them to track instruction.


Besides home training, educating yourself about a breed is a must, because to see if it succeeds, you are looking to learn more about the behavior patterns.


That, of course, should be considered after finishing the qualified crate training, as potty training is much simpler after the dog is prepared for crating.


Entertainment and entertainment can still be integrated into the training process, but we will accept that it needs the sum of money to be spent on the equipment when it comes to results. If you want to pay for it, the exercise is going to be a piece of cake, but if not, the only option you have is to hire someone to do it for you.

Puppy House Training Tactics

1. Constant attention


Puppies are asking for your love, and taking a minute off with them is something you should dedicate your time to during the first few months. It doesn’t mean you can look in their eyes 24/7, but just keep them close, even when watching television or browsing your mobile phone.


2. Ensure plenty of play-times before you go


Playtime not only facilitates bonding between you and your dog, but it also means that he is happy and comfortable before walking out of the house. Hopefully, as you go, he’ll snooze again, leaving you plenty of time before he has to be checked in on.

3. Fake leaving


This is one of the tactics that will ensure your pup doesn’t end up with anxiety about separation. It’s an excellent start to prepare to leave and feel like a natural part of their daily life. Grab the keys and escape without having to snuggle with them, and they will build the impression that you will soon come back for a cuddle.

4. Praising


The central part of your day should be to complement your Puppy. Even if they are not as obedient, make sure to give them long conversations, and make them listen. This has proven to work out even with the aggressive breeds, as all dogs look forward to praising.

5. Rewarding


The bonuses after a dog perform well are one of the best strategies. It may be in the form of candy or just a good old snuggle. That is more than fine as long as it tells them that they care. Make sure you’ve got the award stockpile in the room because letting them down when they’re looking to make you happy can be something you won’t be able to cope with easily later because it’s the foundation of trust issues that you don’t want.

6. Limited access


Marking the restricted access areas is essential when it comes to teaching puppies, particularly within the first few weeks. The fact that they will try to cross the border from time to time does not mean that they are not loyal. For the first few months, mayhem is natural, and as long as it’s not, as usual, it can even be fun to keep up with.


Anticipate Accidents


Accidents often occur, particularly during the first six to eight weeks. It is also reasonably common for puppies to undergo periods of deterioration in their home training when they are frequently left alone. Planning for these things helps you and your dog alleviate stress levels.


When you handle your dog while you’re working will have a significant effect on the quality of living for all of you; doing it right pays off.