7 Basic Commands for Dogs – Train Your Dog Like a Pro

Your dog is perhaps your best friend, but are your neighbors or colleagues thinking the same about your pooch?

7 basic commands for dogs


If you want everybody to love your dog, good manners are a “must,” and that’s where the seven simple commands come in.


Responsible dog owners are aware that having a dog and dealing with it is a lot like having a kid. They have to spend much time showing the family’s 4-legs how to better “transform” into the “community.”


Your dog needs fun screening and socializing. So what you need to do is give him some simple commands that will make him be accepted by all members of your family, not just you. Here we will list the 7 basic commands for dogs to learn.


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7 Basic Commands for Dogs

1. Come

That particular order will help keep your dog out of touch with other visitors or other pets. He will come back to you if the front door remains open, or you should no longer be guiding his lead by mistake.


How to teach “Come”:


  • Get a collar on your little puppy and put it on.
  • Get down to the level of the dog, and use the “Come” order while effortlessly pulling down the leash.
  • If your fan comes back to you, somehow thank him, either by giving him a treat, or even a little affection.


If the dog has learned the order, get rid of the lead, and practice some more obedience in a safe zone.

2.  Sit

The place is one of the simplest that a dog can master. A dog mastering this instruction will be much easier to manage until more self-control can be learned.


How to teach “Sit”:


For example, when you tell your little buddy to sit if he sounds the doorbell, it is not going to happen that he jumps too often on your guests.


  • Take a favorite treat from your dog and keep it tight to his nose.
  • Please raise your hand so that your little boyfriend can follow his head as he drops his feet.
  • Say the word “Sit,” give him the treat along with a bit of love, as soon as he is in the sitting position.


Repeat this order a couple of times a day until the pooch has learned it. Then, use the request to make the dog sit before his meals while you take him for a stroll, and whenever you want him to be calm and patient.

3. Down

This instruction can be a little more complicated when it comes to dog obedience training. This is probably because this particular role is very submissive. Through keeping the exercise as relaxed and positive as possible, you will be able to help your dog, particularly if your pooch is scared or easy to scare off.


How to teach “Down”:


  • Try to find a treat the tastes useful and keep it in either of the hands; keep it closed.
  • Hang on the hand to meet your husband. He’ll be sniffing everything you keep away from him at some point. You can move your hand to the level of the floor at that moment so that he can track it.
  • Then you should drop your hand to the ground level in front of your boy, so you can enable the body of your pal to comply.
  • Say the order “Down,” and give him some love or treat, as soon as he gets into this role.


You have to repeat the order every day. When he wants to sit up, tell him “No” while pushing his hand away.


It would be best if you stopped forcing him into this position, but instead, try to encourage every move he makes towards the right pose. He is most likely to do his best, after all.

Also Read: How to train a puppy when you work


4. Stay

This order could be a little confusing before the dog masters it. This is also because some dogs, particularly puppies in general, dislike staying still. The dog will know it in no time, though, with patience and much practice.


How to teach “Stay”:


  • Commence by using the instructions “Stay” and “Down.”
  • Tell him to stay with a calm tone of voice, when holding your hand with the palm forward in front of your chest.
  • Wait a few seconds, then press (if you’re using the “Clicker” training method) and give your dog a treat while he’s putting in. Do the series a couple of times before he masters it.
  • Using the “Down” command instead take back a few steps order him to stay.
  • Click, go to him after about 3 seconds and reward him along with much affection.
  • Then, slowly raise the distance from him when he is in the “Stay” position. Just don’t over-do it!
  • If your dog violates the Stay pose, you can stop yelling at him. He will quickly learn to stay even if you don’t press or give him rewards for his achievements.
  • As soon as he learns the positions of “Stay” and “Down,” move to the next level and teach him the role of “Sit” using the very same approach.

5. No

The word No is a single word that dogs need to know.


How to teach “No”:


This order can also be demonstrated through the use of treats. Hold the pooch leashed in front of him and put a reward on the table. Move towards the treat, and you will soon notice that the reward provokes the puppy.


He’ll start making an effort at some point to catch the treat, but you should be there telling him, “No,” gently pushing him against you with the leash. It would be best if you reward your dog while saying “Yes” to him as he sits back and watches you. Even give him a touch of love.


Repeat the same pattern a few times a day, before your little buddy masters it.


That is a vital order your dog wants to learn because it takes him safe from issues. You may never know what unexpected things may appear when you’re walking your dog, so you’ll immediately want him back to you as something might go wrong.


6. Take It and Drop It

This is a command your dog will learn with some treat he likes. Hold the toy in one of your hands and get your dog to obey. He’ll try and take it from you soon!


Once he’s trying to open his mouth, give him the order “Take it.” Now he’s going to make an excellent reciprocal relation that this is a “reward” he’s allowed to take. It is essential to use a toy that is appealing to him so that he can continue to enjoy the game.


You can then use a duplicate of that particular toy to provoke it to take this new toy away from you. Eventually, he will forget about the original gift and try to make the new one from you.


The game’s entire purpose is to have him remove his first toy and take the second one. Give him the “Drop it” order as soon as he drops the first one, and as he tries to take the second one into his mouth, give him the “Take it” command again, and so forth.


You have to replay this game every day until your pooch masters it. The game has an integral role to play in the conduct of your dog as it supports you when you want to take things away from him.

7.  Off

In areas of your home, you could find your little pal that he’s not meant to be, like your bed or couch. You can use the “Off” command anytime you see him like this and invite him to come up to you.


If they leave your bed or other parts of your home where he is not allowed, still give him plenty of affection and motivation to express relaxed thanks to him.


When asking him to get off, “click” because you are still using the teaching technique of clicking, and then using the necessary instruction to make him “sit” instead. Then again reward him with a treat and love.


When he starts to growl as you try to remove him from “off” places, get back off and switch to professional help by just using one of the references from your veterinarian as quickly as you can. If you try to solve any aggression issues on your own, you might even make things worse.